Rich Hristov posted on November 01, 2020 11:54

To Our Valued Customers,
We have a couple of great promotions for the month of November! The MRA( Mass Restaurant Association) has partnered with SEATED for this month offering MRA members to participate in an EAT OUT TO HELP OUT MA RESTAURANTS PROGRAM. Please visit the link below to understand how it works and to upload the app. To upload the app: It is a promotion for 50% of your bill in promotional gift cards Mon - Wed for the month of Nov. You upload the SEATED app, sign up (there is no fee), come in on any of these off days, take a picture on your phone of your receipt and upload to the app(Step by step: go on the app, click bookings on the bottom, find 400 East, click "walk-in Only" then take a picture of your receipt Next on the app on the bottom push "orders", click on upload, click dine-in(EVEN IF YOU DO TAKE OUT CLICK DINE IN!) & upload picture of receipt from your phone. It will then give you a choice of gift cards from participating vendors). The amount in your account is cumulative so you can wait until the end of the month and see what you've accumulated and choose your gift cards then. There are SUPER vendors whether for yourself or shopping early to check off that holiday shopping list. Just to name a few: Amazon, Starbucks, Target, Dunkin, Barnes & Noble, Delta,, Ulta Beauty, Macy's, Hulu, Lands End etc etc. You pay your bill with us in the usual manner and then use your receipt to claim your prize on the app!! Another exciting promotion and great holiday shopping too is from our beautiful artists who adorn our walls from the Harwich Guild. They are changing out some canvases(some samples below) with new ones and offering a 50% off Holiday Sale on their canvases and a discount on their metal works and originals!!( Artists work in our hallway is not included in this sale) There are still fun things going on in the midst of these crazy times! Come in and feel some normalcy while staying safe! We have installed a PURE ultraviolet air purification system into our HVAC system to kill any airborne mold, bacteria and VIRUSES! We are here to make your life a little more enjoyable and well fed while we keep your health a priority! Thank you for your continued support!
Much gratitude and thanks,
Gail Sluis
400 East Restaurant & Bar